Beston Rides

Beston Rides - Whole Park Solution Provider

Beston Rides - Whole Park Solution Provider

10 Different Themes of Indoor Playground Equipment

2024. június 03. - bestonrides

There are many different designs and toys for indoor playgrounds and play areas but among the most interesting things to look at is just how many different themes these indoor playgrounds might have. Some have car and truck designs, others go along with a zoo theme, and you might even select one which is outer space themed

This post examines 10 of the more popular indoor playground equipment themes you will probably find in your next mall, convention, or other indoor playground.

Space Theme: The Ultimate Frontier?

This theme is centered on rockets, astronauts, and planets. There may be aspects of a spaceship in the equipment designs to create home some out of this world fun for the little tykes looking to enjoy some play time.

Farm Theme: Old MacDonald Would Approve!

What better way for your little ones to experience some practical fun than with farm themed playground equipment? This may include anything from animals like pigs, cows, and horses to crops like corn and pumpkins. This can put in a nice little fun and imagination for the indoor games.

Jungle Theme: Who Doesn't Like Exploring?

This really is a terrific way to bring a certain amount of the wild indoors with jungle themed equipment featuring animals like lions, elephants, and monkeys. Just keep a close eye on the more adventurous ones to ensure they don't go full Tarzan!


Pirate Theme: Adventures in the Seven Imaginary Seas!

Ahoy mateys! This popular theme brings swashbuckling fun with pirate ships, treasure chests, and eye patches galore. What kids don't like pirates? This makes pirate themed indoor playground equipment a hugely popular option and this was even before the Pirates of your Caribbean movies brought them back mainstream.

Construction Theme: Strengthening Fun!

Prepare yourself for some construction fun with equipment designs featuring cranes, roadwork, and building materials. An especially popular choice with little boys everywhere.

Dinosaur Theme: We All Love Dinos!

Roar your path via a prehistoric playground filled with equipment designs featuring dinosaurs along with other ancient creatures. Dinosaurs just capture the imagination and who doesn't love some good looking dinos? This prehistoric theming is a wonderful way to go.

Beneath the Sea Theme: Disney Approved!

Dive in to a realm of ocean life with equipment designs featuring sea creatures like whales, dolphins, and in many cases mermaids. Yet another excellent design that opens the wonders of imagination.

Fairytale Theme: A Dream Becoming Reality?

Travel to your land of make believe with equipment featuring classic fairytale characters like Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty.

Sports Theme: Buy Them Ready For Future School Competition!

Score some fun with equipment designs featuring elements from popular sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, plus more.

Zoo Theme: Wild Animals to give The Lion-Hearted

Benefit from the sights and sounds of the zoo with equipment designs featuring elephants, giraffes, zebras, and a lot more.

Regardless of what theme you decide on to your indoor playground equipment from Beston Rides, it is essential is your kids have got a fun and safe time playing, and also the right theme can help a lot towards and helps to make that happen.

Happy exploring!

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